HAVN is designed to change the way we sweat. By utilizing infrared heat and humidity, your workout immediately amplifies…and not just because you sweat more!

Working out in an infrared heated room gives you the added benefits of detoxifying from the inside out. Our heated room is designed to build heat as you work. The infrared technology penetrates your skin and builds with you throughout class. So unlike traditional heated classes, our classes build the harder you work.

This gradual build gives your body the opportunity to sweat in a more intentional way, and not just for the sake of sweating! The harder you work, the more you will sweat. The harder you work, the more benefit you will see!

Plus, your effort + our heat increases your caloric burn and cardiovascular strength, while you cleanse your system of unwanted toxins.

Keep it hot with your new FAVORITE way to sweat.

Benefits of Infrared Heat

  • Using external heat to penetrate the body's tissues directly acts as a therapeutic way to sweat; ultimately enhancing the detoxification process.

    By raising the core body temperature to stimulate and produce sweat, you are able to eliminate toxins naturally.

  • Manufactured heat promotes increased circulation by dilating blood vessels to enhance the flow of oxygen and nutrients to cells.

    By inducing mild (heat) stress, the body mimics the natural response to infection, which promotes the release of white blood cells, leading to increased immunity. This action strengthens your immune system, enhances cellular efficiency, and improves circulation.

  • Added heat stimulates collagen production, which plays a crucial role in maintaining skin elasticity and firmness.

    As we age, collagen production naturally declines, so by incorporating additional heat, your body is able to produce more collagen, ultimately aiding in skin repair and rejuvenation. This can lead to smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin.

  • Adding heat to your workout - especially in a controlled environment like a class at HAVN - your heart rate increases, which leads to an overall increase in your caloric burn during class.

    As your heart rate continues to stay elevated and your body works to regulate its core temperature, you are able to move in and out of strength movements with an added level of endurance work.