What is the mission and vision behind HAVN Hot Pilates ?

We are so glad you asked. :)

The HAVN mission is simple - provide an effective and connected workout in a heated and motivating safe space. Combining HAVN’s core four of Excellence, Expertise, Embodiment, and Engagement, we believe you can achieve the life and body you want and deserve! 

When you are strong in your physical body and mental space, you can grow to places you never thought possible. How? By pushing your boundaries to tap into your highest, best self! 

Each class enables you to tap into a new and expanded version of your wellness and health journey that leads to a new, improved, and EXPANDED version of you!


  • HAVN believes in excellence always in all ways. Excellence in wellness, fitness, and life is a pursuit that transcends mere physical achievements and extends into the realm of holistic well-being. It entails a commitment to your body, mind, and spirit to achieve optimal health, longevity, strength, and exponential potential.

    Excellence is The HAVN baseline. Excellence is more than just building a strong body, it's about achieving and maintaining a strong life of purpose, passion, and fulfillment.

    HAVN helps you set (and achieve) high personal growth and development of self-discovery, resilience, and strength.

    Excellence - always, in all ways. It's The HAVN way.

  • HAVN is comprised of a team of experts in the Pialtes, strength, and wellness sphere. Our team possesses deep knowledge and expertise that spans beyond physical strength to help you transform your mind and body in the safest, most efficient and most effective manner.

    This expertise goes beyond knowing which exercises to do or what foods to eat; it encompasses a holistic understanding of the intricate connections between physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.

    HAVN tailors fitness routines that only yield results through efficiency and alignment to achieve optimal results and long-term success.

    Expertise - how HAVN leads you to success.

  • HAVN embodies fitness and wellness in all areas of life. It is our passion and life line to embody health, wellness, and fitness. This embodiment goes beyond physical health and exercise, expanding into our minds and spirits.

    True wellness embodies physical, mental, and emotional health through intentionality and presence. We you bring intentionality into your daily life and not just the moments spent on the mat.

    Full embodiment of health, beyond the mat is why HAVN puts emphasis on the importance of being intentional and in the moment to keep you connected and embodied, mind, body, and soul.

    Embodied - The HAVN state of being.

  • HAVN is ALL about engagement. Physical engagement, mental engagement, and engagement in the moment. Engaging in your fitness, wellness, and entire life is a transformative journey that extends far beyond the mat.

    It is a commitment to nurturing your physical, mental, and emotional well-being by being engaged in every moment of life.

    Being engaged with fitness and wellness in all areas of life is an ongoing commitment to self-improvement and holistic health, and HAVN is dedicated to helping you see and feel engaged in your being and life.

    Engagement - The HAVN state of mind.