It’s simple - when you take contemporary mat Pilates movements and elevate them by utilizing weights, you get the most effective workout in the least amount of time. It’s really that simple.

THEN - we add the extra element of infrared heat and humidity to give you the ULTIMATE workout trifecta.

Our experienced coaches are experts in programming and understand that form, safety, and alignment are the keys to seeing the results you want with the time you have.

HAVN is Greenwood Village’s only Hot Pilates + Strength studio, and our mission is to help you build true physical strength, see real results, and glow from the inside, out.

Effective + Results Driven = The HAVN Difference


  • Correct form is crucial in preventing injury. Poor form can lead to overuse, injuries, and slowed muscular progression. The coaches at HAVN are dedicated to your safety and that starts with a “form first” class.

  • Correct form maximizes targeted muscle activation and engagement, ensuring you get the most out of each rep. This activation gives you real results that build strong and long muscles.

  • It’s no secret that Pilates figures are known for strong cores, which is in large part to the fact that Pilates builds balance and stability from the core! Every class is designed to activate your core to enhance your stability, balance, and reduction of injury.


  • HAVN is built on efficiency through well thought out routines that target specific goals for maximum efficacy.

    The HAVN team formats routines that are efficient and executed with proper form and technique, ultimately giving you the results you want!

  • HAVN customizes each routine and workout based on years of experience in the fitness industry so that you can yield better results and actually enjoy a sweaty workout.

  • We believe motivation and the ability to adapt are essential to muscular growth and proper programming. HAVN is your wanted accountability expert to help you reach your goals and feel your best with an adaptable, targeted program.


  • Engaging in mind-to-muscle connection helps you target proper muscle engagement, ultimately creating a stronger and leaner muscular structure. How? By connecting mind to muscle you achieve more intentional muscle contractions for maximum results.

  • HAVN encourages you to use muscular intention to help make the most of each workout. This intention helps you see results faster while keeping you dedicated and committed to your routine. Plus, The HAVN team ensures each workout is designed to give you maximum benefit in the most efficient amount of time.

  • Our classes keep you in the moment to increase performance with intentionality so that you can put in the effort required to achieve your goals. HAVN helps you meet your goals, whether they are to lift heavier weights, run faster, or improve your endurance while keeping you engaged with fun and intention.

  • Strength training increases the amount and creation of lean muscle mass boost basal metabolic rate (BMR), ultimately allowing you to burn more calories…even when your body is at rest.

    Plus, after a hard, sweaty, strength-based workout, your body needs to repair and rebuild, which demands additional oxygen and energy. This post-workout calorie burn can extend for hours or even days after the workout - contributing to increased calorie expenditure.

    Suffice it to say, as you build lean muscle through strength training, your resting metabolic rate increases.

  • When you engage in regular strength and resistance training, your bones respond by becoming denser and stronger. This increased bone density helps reduce the risk of conditions like osteoporosis, which can lead to brittle bones and fractures.

    Strength training supports the muscles surrounding your bones to improve overall joint and bone stability…so no more fear of injury in your daily or weekend routines!

  • Strength training can help you fall asleep faster, experience deeper sleep cycles, and reduce the likelihood of waking up during the night. Who doesn’t need a more restful and longer night sleep?

    Strength training helps to regulate your circadian rhythm, which controls your sleep-wake cycles. By engaging in a consistent strength training routine, you can enhance the synchronization of your body's natural sleep patterns.

    Plus, strength and resistance training can even lead to an increase in total sleep duration…can you say, “Bye bye sleep deprivation?”

  • Strength and resistance training can increase blood flow to the brain, which leads to improved alertness and cognitive function, ultimately combating fatigue and lethargy. Let’s just say you can ditch the brain fog!

    Strength training also helps to regulate hormones, which has a huge (positive) impact on mood and mental well-being.

The Benefits of Strength Training

The Benefits of Pilates

  • Pilates is built on the foundation of a strong core with targeted movements that strengthen the entire core muscles, including the “6-pack abs”, obliques, and lower back.

    A stronger core leads to better posture, reduced back pain, and enhanced stability and balance.

  • Pilates movements incorporate various stretching exercises that improve flexibility and range of motion - which is CRUCIAL to living a long, healthy, and confident life!

    Plus, increased flexibility and range of motion can lead to better muscular alignment, engagement, strength, and fluidity while reducing the risk of injury.

  • Pilates can help reduce stress and promote relaxation by focusing on controlled movements, staying in the moment, and using breathwork.

    This control and attention to muscular engagement promotes a sense of presence and a clearer state of mind, ultimately reducing stress held in the body.

  • Pilates is notorious for targeting large and small muscle groups that lead to increased muscular endurance.

    Exhausting muscle groups through repeated movements increases muscular endurance, allowing you to perform better and longer without fatigue.

    Ultimately resulting in a stronger, leaner, more sculpted physique.

  • Moving to the beat of music creates a synchronized and shared experience that helps foster a sense of unity and community. This coordinated movement creates a bond in a supportive yet motivating way.

    Plus, moving to the beat of music allows you to be COMPLETELY present and engaged with your body and the class.

  • Aligning Pilates movements with music enables you to improve coordination and form by matching your movement to the beat. The result? A more controlled and deliberate engagement of muscles to maintain fluidity and precision in each movement in order to stay on beat.

    Our coaches cue to the beat, which serves as a natural motivator to push you further into your strength.

    The interplay of Pilates movements can elevate the intensity of the workout, leading to greater muscle engagement. Plus, moving to the beat acts as a guide to help you maintain a consistent pace and rhythm throughout the session.

  • Coordinating Pilates movements with music requires you to be mentally present and engaged. This presence and focus enhance your mind-to-muscle connection to ensure proper form/alignment and real change and growth for true muscle engagement.

    The science of combining auditory and physical stimuli has been proven to enhance the mind-to-muscle connection ultimately leading to a heightened awareness of muscle engagement within a targeted muscle group or movement.

  • Music is powerful and has a PROFOUND ability to enhance your mood and motivation. By incorporating music with an energizing beat into each class, you are more likely to feel motivated and enthusiastic even during the most challenging workout.

    The rhythmic and uplifting qualities of the music and playlists our coaches curate infuse energy into each and every class, creating a positive and motivating environment.

    When you move to the beat, you are enabled to be present and create a true sense of flow, and movements begin to feel more natural and effortless. This heightened state of focus and immersion contributes to an increased sense of energy and vitality throughout the class.

The Benefits of Moving to the Beat