In the world of fitness, there’s no shortage of myths and misconceptions that bombard our news feeds morning, noon, and night. From believing that lifting weights will make you bulky to thinking that you need to work out for hours every day to see results, these myths lead to burnout and exhaustion, and not just physically. So we’ve complied a list of the top fitness myths and taken to science to debunk

Lifting Weights Will Make You Bulky

THE MYTH: We’ve all heard, and most of us most likely believe it, that lifting weights will make you bulky and dare I say too masculine.

THE TRUTH: Totally and utter myth. First thing’s first, the amount of load, force, and time it takes to build muscle is far greater than we all believe. Building significant muscle mass requires a specific combination of heavy weights, low repetitions, and a high-calorie diet rich in protein. Most people, will not experience excessive muscle growth unless they’re following a very specific and targeted regimen - or are highly supplemented. In fact, lifting weights (and no it doesn’t need to be insanely heavy) has proven to shrink your overall body size due to lean muscle growth and fat reduction. Ultimately, lifting weights helps to improve body composition, leading to a leaner and more defined physique rather than bulkiness.

You Have to Exercise for Hours to See Results

THE MYTH: Ever heard of the idea that cardio is the only way to burn fat and lose weight? This is a common belief that in order to see results and “lean out” you need to spend hours at the gym or log an insane amount of hours doing cardio to achieve fitness goals like weight loss, muscle gain, or improved endurance.

THE TRUTH: The fact of the matter is, just like with most things in life, it’s the quality of your workout, not the quantity. In fact, science supports the idea that shorter more intense workouts can be just as if not more effective than longer, moderate exercise sessions. Truth be told, what yields real results is quality workouts done consistently over a long period of time. Sorry to break it to ya, babe, but a changed and more toned physique is built over time through consistent and effective workouts.

Cardio is the Best Way to Lose Weight

THE MYTH: Cardio is the key to fat loss and the only way to lose weight.

THE TRUTH: Don’t get us wrong, cardio is insanely beneficial for cardiovascular health and calorie burning, but it is not the only way to lose fat - or even the best way to lose fat. So what is? Strength and resistance training builds muscle, which increases your resting metabolic rate which burns more calories (even when you’re not exercising) which leads to more potential fat loss. So the best way to lose weight? Find a workout regimen you can stick to that is a combination of both cardio and strength training, as we said before - it is consistent and effective exercise that is the true formula for real results.


THE MYTH: If you aren’t sore after a workout, then you didn’t workout hard enough and it was not a “good” workout.

THE TRUTH: The fact of the matter is, you can make significant fitness gains without experiencing soreness, especially as your body adapts to your training routine. As you consistently train, your muscles adapt to the stress, and soreness tends to decrease. This doesn't mean your workouts are any less effective. It simply means your muscles are becoming more efficient and resilient, allowing you to push harder without experiencing the same level of soreness. So how do you measure the effectiveness of a workout? Results. Has your strength, endurance, flexibility, and overall performance improved? If you're lifting heavier weights, running faster, or performing more repetitions, you're progressing—even if you're not sore. Conversely, persistent or excessive soreness can be a sign that your body hasn't fully recovered; which can lead to overtraining, and can hinder progress and increase the risk of injury.

You Can Spot-Reduce Fat

THE MYTH: Performing exercises that target specific areas of the body, like crunches for the abdomen or thigh exercises, will reduce fat in those areas.

THE TRUTH: Sorry babe, but spot-reducing fat isn’t a thing. Fat loss occurs uniformly across the body based on overall caloric expenditure and genetic factors. While targeted exercises can strengthen and tone specific muscle groups, they do not selectively burn fat from those areas. Effective fat loss comes from a combination of a healthy diet, overall caloric deficit, and a mix of cardiovascular and strength training exercises. And again consistent and effective workouts performed well over time.


So what’s the summation of these myths? Yup, you know it - effective workouts performed consistently overtime yield the best results…and no you do not need to do hours and hours and hours of cardio to lose fat. And unfortunately ou cannot spot reduce fat. But not all hope is lost! By sticking to the science and focusing on what truly matters—consistency, balance, and proper technique—you can achieve your fitness goals more efficiently and safely. Remember babe, fitness is a journey that requires patience and persistence, and embracing science-backed methods will help you navigate it more successfully. ❤️
