Let’s face it, commitment is hard - especially when everything is happening all the time and all at once leaving not much room for motivation to strike. So manufacturing the want to sweat and do hard things seems…impossible. HOWEVER, joining a fitness studio with a strong community, “worth it” workout, and a welcoming vibe just may be the catalyst to success! So let’s dive into the top 5 reasons why having a community is crucial to fitness success.

Improved Results

Let’s face it, when you join a studio it’s for one of two reasons, results or the community. So when you get both of them it’s as if you’ve struck GOLD! But for the time being, let’s focus on the results part. Simply by getting into a space where you are surrounded by others aspiring to be better, you can’t help but also want to “be better.” It’s infectious, it’s full body, it’s intoxicating, and it cannot be matched. When you truly invest and become part of a fitness community it keeps you coming back and pushes you to work harder, be better, and do more. And as much as we hate to admit it, it begins to foster a sense of healthy - dare we say competition. Seeing others achieve their fitness milestones is inspiring, and it’s through this inspiration that we push harder to be better, stronger, and faster…and alas find RESULTS.


So we know that community is inspiring and can yield results, but a benefactor of community is accountability. Why? Truth be told, we need someone(s) to keep us coming back regardless of the weather, time, or traffic. Insert an excuse here. Let’s face it, it's easy to skip a workout - even easier when you're alone. But when you’re in a community, it’s as if the absence is felt far deeper and means more. This added layer of accountability helps you stay committed to your fitness regimen. Simply knowing that your fitness buddies are counting on you can be the extra push you need to stay consistent. So snag a friend, and get to sweating!

Sense of Belonging

Belonging to a fitness community provides a sense of connection and camaraderie. It's more than just a place to work out; it's a place where you can build meaningful relationships and truly feel as though you are a part of something. This sense of belonging is incredibly important for a healthy life, especially in an era where isolation and separation are increasingly more prevalent. Plus, having this community and belonging enhances motivation and makes your fitness journey more enjoyable and less of a chore. And you never know, having a place you belong may have you looking forward to your workouts, and not just for the exercise.

Increased Enjoyment & Social Connection

So you enjoy your workout now? Not yet? hahaha (we’ll work on that!) Suffice it to say, that joining a space where you can share a sweaty workout with a welcoming community has proven to significantly enhance the enjoyment of exercise and increase social connection - which scientifically has proven to lead a healthier life. The social connections that are built in a fitness community can make your fitness journey more enjoyable and less monotonous. You get the ability to share progress, studio challenges, and personal successes with others - because we all need a little ego boost and a little support in getting our butts out of bed and working out in the early AM.

Enhanced Learning & Development

Being part of a fitness community exposes you to a wealth of knowledge and expertise; knowledge that you may not have been privy to before - or was hard to digest. How? Your coach, community, workshops, and studio space are FULL of experts in a range of fields from exercise, nutrition, alignment, form, you name it! You are now tapped into a real-life, moving Google forum of experts! And use it!! Ask questions, get answers, feel better! That is what the studio is there for - to provide knowledge and advice to help you be the BEST you! This collaborative environment promotes continuous learning and development, helping you refine your techniques, try new workouts, and stay updated on the latest fitness trends, and continue to grow when we often feel stagnant.


A fitness studio’s community can be so beneficial is ways that far surpass a kick-ass workout. Improved results, accountability, a sense of belonging, increased enjoyment, and enhanced learning and development cover the tip of the iceberg when we think of all the AMAZING reasons why getting involved in a studio’s community is SO important! If you're looking to elevate your fitness journey, it may be time to find a fitness studio that fosters a strong and supportive community. Your body and mind will thank you for it!


